Capture The Moment
Helping Others Capture Their Vision
We believe getting that perfect shot can be easier than taking a class or reading a massive manual. Friends with the proper skillset can quickly and efficiently dispense advice that can help you achieve, Capture pal and the community is that friend.
Starting out in photography the amount of material is endless, the camera is more complex than expected and it takes a long time to get a photo that really captures your vision. We created this company to help people quickly and easily get those shots. We realized that when your best friend the expert photographer tells you a quick technique to get that perfect shot, magically the shot becomes better, your vision becomes real and your skill improves exponentially. Our goal is to be this friend and get your vision in the photograph.
“I created this company to make photography easy. I love traveling and taking landscape shots, there is something that stirs deep inside me when I am moved by nature and can photograph my vision.” — Jeremy Gilbert Founder
We have a team of photographers, designers and creatives working to build this for you. I personally develop the Application, coordinate with the team and put it all together. Thank you for being apart of the community!